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text-generation-webui supports various plugins.

Enabling Plugins

In the Interface mode tab, you can enable or disable plugins. After switching, click Apply and restart the interface at the bottom to restart.


Built-in Plugins

apiAPI supportCreates an API with two endpoints, one for streaming at /api/v1/stream port 5005 and another for blocking at /api/v1/generate port 5000.api
google_translateTranslation of input and outputTranslation
character_biasChat modeIn role-playing chat mode, adjust the character's state, such as the character's mood.Role-playing
galleryRole-playing character galleryCreates a gallery containing chat characters and their pictures.Role-playing, NSFW
silero_ttsText-to-speech conversionUses Silero to convert the reply to speech.TTS
elevenlabs_ttsText-to-speech conversionUses the ElevenLabs API to convert the reply to speech, requiring an ElevenLabs API key.TTS
whisper_sttVoice input supportUses whisper to support voice input and then converts the voice to text.STT
send_picturesImage input supportSupports image input in chat mode using BLIP.Image, multimodal
multimodalText+Image input supportSupports text+image input in chat mode, requiring a model that supports multimodality.Image, multimodal
openaiopenai API supportSupports openai-style APIs.api
superboogaSupport for input with very long contextUses ChromaDB to create arbitrarily large fake context extensions, treating them as input text files, URLs, or pasted text. Based on superbig.Multimodal, long context

Other Plugins

If you need to install other third-party plugins in the community, download the plugin and copy it to the extensions directory under the text-generation-webui installation directory. Some plugins may also require environment configuration. Please refer to the corresponding plugin documentation for installation.

EdgeGPTUses Bing chatBing chat has internet access supportBing, chat
long_term_memoryCreates long-term memory for the robotStores the conversation record and vectorizes it so that the conversation robot can remember the previous conversation.Memory
complex_memoryCreates context memory for the robotProvides additional background information for the robot to supplement the context of the conversation.Context
discord_botSends responses to discordIntegrates with discord, allowing generated text to be sent to discord.Discord
oobabotImplements chatbot on DiscordIntegrates with Discord, allowing the chatbot to use text-generation-webui's capabilities for conversation.Discord
multi_translateEnhances Google Translate functionalityEnhanced version of the google_translate extension, providing more translation options (more engines, saving options to file, instant on/off translation).Translation
api_advancedEnhances api extension functionalityProvides interfaces similar to Kobold. Provides enhanced translation functionality, returning translated content in the response.api
barkttsText-to-speech conversionA simple implementation of Suno-AI's Bark text-to-speech, with implicit multilingual and simple sound support.TTS
webui_langchain_agentLangchain integration, supports wikipedia searchCreates a Langchain agent that provides the ability to search wikipedia.Langchain