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Text AIGC Models

There are currently many text models, some of which are products of fine-tuning existing large models, and some of which are basic models trained from scratch by various companies.

Well-known Basic Models

Basic ModelRelease DateModel SizePublisherLanguageFeatures
LLaMA2023.037B~65BMetaMainly English, weak support for other languages
MPT2023.057BmosaicmlMainly English, weak support for other languagesCommercially available, supports long contexts
ChatGLM2023.036BTHUDMChinese and English
Cerebras-GPT2023.031.3B~13BcerebrasMainly English, weak support for other languages
rwkv-4-raven2023.041.5B~14BBlinkDLMultiple versions, different versions have different language supportNon-transforms structure
OpenFlamingo2023.039BLAIONMainly English, weak support for other languagesMulti-modal, supports images
StableLM2023.043B~7Bstability.aiMainly English, weak support for other languages
Bloom2022.101B~176Bbigscience59 languages
RedPajama-INCITE2023.053B~7BtogetherMainly English, weak support for other languages
OPT2022.05125M-175BMetaMainly English, weak support for other languages


The relationship between other well-known models in the community and these basic models is shown in the following table.

Basic ModelModel NameFine-tuning MethodPublisherIntroduction
LLaMAAlpacaFull-parameter fine-tuningstanfordFine-tuned model of LLaMA, fine-tuned using OpenAI's text-davinci-003
Alpaca-LoRALightweight fine-tuningtloenSame as Alpaca, but fine-tuned using Lora
VicunaFull-parameter fine-tuningLMSYS OrgFine-tuned model of LLaMA, trained and fine-tuned using user-shared dialogues collected from ShareGPT
KoalaFull-parameter fine-tuningberkeleyFine-tuned model of LLaMA
WizardLMFull-parameter fine-tuningWizardLMFine-tuned model of LLaMA, focuses on complex instruction fine-tuning
GPT-Jdolly-v1Full-parameter fine-tuningdatabricksFine-tuned model of GPT-J, focuses on instruction fine-tuning
gpt4all-jFull-parameter fine-tuningnomic.aiFine-tuned model of GPT-J
pythiadolly-v2Full-parameter fine-tuningdatabricksFine-tuned model of pythia, focuses on instruction fine-tuning