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AIGC is a technology that uses algorithms to generate various forms of content.

What is Content?

Let's first classify content in a little more detail.

In terms of medium, content can be divided into basic content types such as text, images, videos, audio, and 3D models.

Each type of content can be further subdivided, for example:

  • Code, copywriting, novels, and chat replies are all types of text content.
  • Beauty pictures, anime portraits, and game original paintings are all types of image content.
  • Short videos and long videos are types of video content.
  • Music and voiceovers are types of audio content.
  • Trees and characters in shooting games are types of 3D model content.

In addition to the basic medium, mixing content can also create new forms of content, for example:

  • Text and images can be combined to create text adventure games.
  • Copywriting and images can be combined to create graphic content submissions.

The goal of AIGC technology is to automatically generate this content through algorithms.

What Can AIGC Do?

With applications such as ChatGPT and Midjourney receiving widespread attention, AIGC technology has truly moved beyond the laboratory and reached the threshold of commercial applications.

What can we do with AIGC technology?

  • Create content directly aimed at consumers, for example:
    • You are someone who doesn't know music, but you want to become a singer. You use AIGC technology to generate new music and release your own album.
    • You are someone who can't draw, but you want to become an artist. You use AIGC technology to generate your own artwork.
  • Use it for work assistance, for example:
    • You are a developer who uses AIGC technology to help generate code instead of searching Google all day. You now have an extra hour of free time every day.
    • You are a content creator who uses AIGC technology to help with copywriting instead of coming up with it yourself. Your fan base has increased by 30% compared to before.
  • Use it for entertainment, for example:
    • You are a male who likes to look at beautiful women, but various beauty standards never seem to match your own. You use AIGC technology to generate unlimited images of the type of beauty you imagine.
    • You like to play open-world games and enjoy the gameplay of making different choices to ultimately make the world look different. By using AIGC technology, you generate unlimited storylines, greatly expanding the richness and openness of the world.

Any process involving content production will undergo a dramatic transformation with AIGC.